Given the COVID-19 pandemic, and for the safety and well-being of our consumers, our staff and our community, Wiley Christian Adult Day Services (WCADS) is adopting the following policies and procedures:
- The Medical Adult Day Program and Behavioral Management Partial Care Program are open and offering telehealth services.
For more information please call 856-486-9737 for Adult Day Services and 856--486-9097 for Partial Care Services.
- No consumers or staff who are experiencing a chronic cough, temperature over 100 or who have visited certain regions internationally or nationally with a dense COVID-19 occurrence within the last 14 days may enter WCADS or its transportation vehicles
- All consumers and staff entering our facility will be screened upon entry
- All inquires can be facilitated through phone at 856-486-9097
For more general information pertaining to COVID-19, please see the most recent CDC COVID-19 fact sheet here: